When exactly is Kipper's birthday party?
Is it today? Or tomorrow perhaps?
Or was it yesterday?
This has been a great book and the children have had so much fun this week - we have had our own birthday party for Kipper!
Here are just a few of the children's thoughts about the story . . .
Lydia - "Kipper didn't know how to make a cake!"
Kipper put in lots of currants and eggs, flour and sugar - he stirred the mixture until his arm ached. Next he added some cherries and stirred it once more . . .
Louie C - "I think it will explode cause it's too fat and it will spill all over the floor!"
Kipper began to feel hungry waiting for his friends to arrive . . .
Amelia - "Kipper ate all the cake!"
Kipper slept through the evening and into the night, dreaming about his cake . . .
Charlie - "I liked the bit when he was climbing the mountain of cake!"
Read the book to find out what happened next!
We'd love to hear how you celebrate your birthday - let us know!