Following our winter walk, we read 'Kipper's Snowy Day'!
Huge cotton wool snowflakes are tumbling past Kipper's window and kipper can't wait to go outside . . .
"I liked it when he fell to the ground and he couldn't get up!" (Noah)
"He will go in a ball - cause he's rolling down lots of times" (Alfie)
"I liked it when Kipper's friend turned into a different dog - because he goes into a snowball!" (Maisy)
"I liked it when he did the snowballs on Tiger" (Ruby)
There was lots of laughter when we watched the video of the story!
"He's putting a snowflake in his mouth!" (Evan W)
"I liked it when Tiger went rolling down the hill and the snowball cracked and he fell to the ground!" (Noah)
"They rolled down at the same time" (Bailey)
"The snow dog fell down and he was sad" (Jack)
"Kipper's going to Tiger - throwing a snowball!" (Evan W)
"I bet Tiger's cold!" (Alfie)
The children reflected on what they had seen . . .
"There was Kipper's friend" (Jessica)
"It was called Tiger" (Harley)
"Tiger went in the big snowball" (Jessica)
"Yeah - and he was making snowy prints. He's a magic dog - he can talk!" (Harley)
"Kipper throwed a snowball at Tiger!" (Georgia)
"It was quite cold when it was snowing" (Maisy)
"When Kipper throwed a snowball at Tiger he was very cross!" (Alisha)
Mrs Kenny has made a nice warm scarf for our cuddly Kipper to wear - we hope it will help to stop him getting too cold when he is throwing snowballs at Tiger!