Thursday 13 March 2014

Wibbly Pig has 10 Balloons

We have been meeting a new friend - and his name is Wibbly Pig!

Wibbly Pig is very proud of his ten balloons. But his friends arrive and everybody wants one. 
Soon even his favourite teddy bear balloon has gone . . .

Noah - "I've got that story at home, I borrowed it from the library"

Archie - "He shares them out" (the balloons)

Alisha - "Who wrote the book?"

Esme - "Mick Inkpen writes it!"

We enjoyed working out how many balloons Wibbly Pig would have left each time . . .

Noah - "There will be 9 left because he's given 1 away!" (showed 9 fingers)
"And if he gives 1 away that will be 8, and then he's going to give another one away and there will be 7!" (showing 7 fingers)

Big Pig's sister wanted a balloon too - but she wasn't very polite in the way she asked!

Bethan - "She didn't say 'please'!"

Georgia - "The naughty pig didn't say please and she stamped her feet and took the balloon"

She grabbed the strings from Wibbly so that she could get the pink one with the bow - "That's the one I want!" she squealed - and then let the others go!

Summa - "The piggy stamped her feet and pulled a balloon and let the others go"

Ava - "I liked it when the naughty pig stamped her feet and she took a balloon and let the others go!"

Noah - "I liked it when the girl took the strings off Wibbly Pig and the balloons rose"

Poor old Wibbly had no balloons left . . .

Felicity - "Zero makes none!"

Jack - "The balloons blow up in the sky"

Alisha - "The teddy bear balloon - the Pig liked the teddy bear balloon but it was floating away"
Evan E - "The Pig is called Wibbly!"

Wibbly Pig and Tiny Pig sat sadly in the park . . . "No balloons" sighs Wibbly Pig. "And I started off with ten! That teddy bear balloon was best. I had three left and then . . ."

Noah - "I don't feel sad because look what's coming in the corner!"

Sam - "The teddy bear balloon floated back to him - that balloon floated across the moon!"

Lexie-Mai - "And he's really happy!"

"My teddy bear balloon came back!" says Wibbly with a grin. And Tiny's grinning too because . . . one came back for him!

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